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"Master" Teacher Information

Thank you for taking interest in joining the ranks of "Master Teachers" in Orange Unified School District! You will be embarking upon a very important journey--that of influencing the teachers of tomorrow! 


In order to become eligible to serve as a mentor in Orange Unified School District, the following is required*:

  • A minimum of 3-5 years of previous teaching experience.

  • A recommendation or approval from the site administrator of where the mentor is currently placed. (An email, phone call, or letter sent to the Induction Office are all appropriate.)

  • Completion of the "Mentor Teacher Training Modules" with a score of 9/10 or better on each module quiz (link below). This is a STATE-REQUIRED mandate that is new to the mentor teacher process. For more guidelines, please click here: Module Directions

  • Completion of the "Mentor Teacher Interest Form" (link below).

  • Completion of the Co-Teaching Training, either through CSUF or OUSD. Training dates are to be determined. Please contact the Induction Office if you need this training.


*If you are ONLY going to be having a student observer in your classroom, the modules and co-teaching training are not required.


Please remember that the placement of a student-teacher/observer in your classroom is not guaranteed, but your interest will be considered as placement requests are made from OUSD's university partners.


If you have a student teacher or student observer interested in working specifically in your classroom, OUSD still requires that the above process be followed. ALL PLACEMENTS MUST RUN THROUGH THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT BEFORE AN OBSERVER OR STUDENT TEACHER MAY BEGIN WORKING IN ANY OUSD CLASSROOM!!


Please contact the Induction Office with any questions that relate to the MENTOR TEACHER process at (714) 628-5527.

Please contact Human Resources with questions that relate to student-teacher paperwork or placement at (714) 628-4004.

Mentor Interest

Click arrow below to notify the Induction Office about your interest in becoming a mentor! 

Mentor Modules

Modules must be completed by mentors, no matter your experience level. Click arrow below. 

Video Release Forms

Click the arrow below to access OUSD's video release forms.

Resolving Challenges

Click the arrow below to access some suggestions for navigating challenges that may arise when serving as a mentor teacher.

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